
Monday, 21 March 2011

Football Poems for World Poetry Day

This post is part 6 of a blog carnival for World Poetry Day. To view poems by other bloggers, search on or for WPDfootballpoems. Already we have had contributions from 

Next up at 3pm - followed each hour after by

Two-Nil Up, Three-Two Down
(A Tuesday night at Glanford Park) 

I wandered lonely in a crowd
my mind numb, no emotion shown.
A dark, satanic, grumbling cloud,
Amongst the hosts' golden glows.
Beside corrugated roof and concrete walls,
blanking out their joyous calls.

Early stages and we did shine
And twinkle like the Milky Way
Iron stretched in never-ending line
could not keep the Blades at bay.
Four thousand saw two taken chances,
one thousand joined in sprightly dances.

Prospects were looking up; but the Blades
were outdone in sparkling waves of glee:
No-one there could predict
the way it was going to be.
I gazed -and gazed- but little thought
made any sense of what I saw.

That night, post-match, at home I lie
In vacant and in pensive mood
Emotions of football flash past my inward eye
Ecstasy, bliss, despair, solitude.
But my heart, with joy and hope, it does swell,
To Saturday, more football heaven and hell.

Ian Rands

With sincere apologies to William Wordsworth

Sheffield Football - A Haiku

Once proud edifice
Foundations crumbling away
Falling down, a wreck

Neil Warnock - A Haiku

They call you Colin
Even though a Blades fan, I
can understand why

Ian Rands


  1. Oh yes that is brilliant and loving that Warnock haiku. *chuckles*

  2. I've had my own flash of poetic inspiration ..

    There was a Blade called Ian
    Who had a peculiar feelin'
    So he penned a poem
    about a Blades match away from hoem
    and now folks are busy retweetin'

    *gets coat*

  3. That Warnock haiku is an absolute belter.

  4. The Sheffield United haiku is a real heartbreaker. Hopefully it'll require rewriting in the not too distant future.

  5. Thanks Karl, John and William.

    Karl - I have hung your coat back up - you should take part next time.

    John - Warnock makes himself such an easy target, even 17 syllables is enough

    William - The state of Sheffield professional football is heartbreaking. If you throw in the tribulations at Sheffield FC this season as well....

  6. I am of course a fellow Blade,
    Most happy memories a distant fade.
    But we fine men will stay together
    At least we wont support Wedne$day, ever.

    One day we will be back to where we belong,
    Please Micky, lets hope its not too long.
    We want to beat that West Ham scum,
    We dont want to go to Division one.

    We might not have the mega bucks
    Or the white house we know as Dane
    But one thing we have forever more
    Beautiful downtown Bramall Lane.
